Protecting Our Children
Protecting Our Children
As ministers of Word and Sacrament, us members of the Advocates of Saint Sebastian are charged with the protection of all children in our care. In order to observe our moral and legal responsibilities, we adopt the following practices:
- We do not accept as candidates or members any individual with a history of credible accusations of abuse of any kind.
- The policies of the Advocates provides mechanisms for immediate removal from membership and ministry any individual credibly accused of abuse.
- We conduct thorough background checks and vet our candidates for membership and ministry using professional investigation services.
- We train all of our members and associates in ministry in child protection including recognizing abuse, policies for prevention of abuse, and reporting abuse.
- As defined by state and local laws, we observe our status as mandatory reporters and report all suspicions of abuse to appropriate child protection agencies.
- As ordinary ministers of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession), we observe the sacramental seal with the exception of the admission of harm done to a child or vulnerable adult.