Servire et Aedificere
The Advocates of Saint Sebastian is a religious society, of apostolic life, in the independent Catholic tradition committed to the formation of competent ministers for service in progressive Catholic communities, the provision of professional spiritual care, serving in contextually relational pastoral-service to LGBTQIA+ persons, working with minority communities through immigration assistance programs, providing holistic healthcare through staffing licensed professionals and community grants to entities who encourage healthy spirituality and provide for community growth.
We are committed to an on-going formation process that begins with a solid theological foundation built on liberation and queer theologies designed as an umbrella term for transgressive action which erases boundaries.
Spiritual Care
Our approach to spiritual care is centered on people and their families (constructed or otherwise) delivered by ministers trained in clinical pastoral education through professional de-centered holistic means.
Communities [parishes] are religious and spiritual homes where we grow, are nurtured, sustained and encouraged our their faith journey. As Catholic-Christians we gather for the celebration of the Eucharist weekly as the source and summit of our faith.
A service to immigrants in providing application support assistance at low-cost, document translation services and preparation for naturalization interviews.
A nonprofit skilled nursing staffing agency which provides quality, compassionate and competent care to those facing illness in healthcare settings.
A: 7712 Greenfield Drive | Alvarado, Texas 76009
M: (214) 699-8381 | W: | E: